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How to spot the most common electrical issues around the home

When it comes to electrical safety, it pays to be vigilant all of the time.

As we all know, electricity is dangerous. Staying alert and keeping an eye out for all manner of different electrical emergencies is therefore crucial to ensure safety.

Not only does this help you keep your home, property or business safe around electricity, but it can also help save money – a minor electrical repair now can save you from a major incident further down the line.

Just one question: what should you keep an eye out for exactly? And when should you get in touch with an electrical repair service?

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What is the most common cause of electrical problems?

There are many things that can cause electrical issues at home or at work – as a general rule though, there are a couple that tend to pop up more often than others.

Case-in-point: overloaded circuits.

Electrical circuits can only carry a finite amount of electricity – plug in too many appliances, and you can push your circuits, cables and wires beyond what they can safely handle.

And that in turn comes with all sorts of other issues, such as an increased risk of electrical fires or electrocution.

And just as with faulty wiring, there are a number of things you can look out for as signs that something is wrong…

How do I check for electrical problems in my house?

What are the three warning signs of an overloaded circuit?

The best thing you can do to protect yourself from electrical problems (be they at home or at work) is to simply keep your eyes open.

And that means keeping a close eye on potential electrical problems.

Of course, in order to pick out electrical problems, you need to know what to look out for. So, what should you look out for when it comes to electrical problems in your home or business?

Keep an eye out for flickering or dimming lights

Are your lights constantly flickering or dimming? If so, that’s a sign that something isn’t quite right with them.

Now, there are two reasons why this might be the case:

  1. The bulb itself is wearing out and in need of replacement
  2. There’s an issue with the wiring

While the first one isn’t ideal, it’s easily fixed.. The second one however is concerning, and may require a professional to look at it, as it could be a sign of a wiring issue.

And while we’re on the topic of lightbulbs…

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Light bulbs frequently burning out

Today’s light bulbs have brilliant life-spans – your typical LED bulb can last for thousands and thousands of hours before wearing out (and that’s on top of their increased energy-efficiency).

When one of these long-lived bulbs burns out, that could just mean that you’ve bought a dud. If several of them start burning out at the same time however, that’s a sign that it isn’t the bulbs that are the problem.

Most properties have systems in place to protect appliances and lights from power surges. If these protections aren’t working, this can result in your lights burning out much earlier than they should.

Not only can this burn out appliances and lights, but it also means that your family and staff are at risk!

Warm outlets and switches

Electrical sockets, outlets and switches should be cool to the touch – that’s a sign that they’re working properly.

So if yours are warm, take that as a sign that something may be wrong!

Most of the time, this happens because of a wiring issue just underneath the surface. 

Electricity is hot, but most of the time you never realise this because your wiring is properly insulated and sheathed.

So if you’re feeling warmth, take that as a sign that something is amiss, and that you might be taking a risk when you continue using that socket. 

Breakers tripping frequently

All buildings in Australia come with a switchboard that controls the flow of electricity to each of the circuits within. This is designed to keep the property safe by cutting off the flow of power every time it reaches potentially dangerous levels.

If the breakers are tripping frequently, that means that power is constantly surging and reaching unsafe levels.

Thankfully, your breaker board has leapt into action and protected you. Still, that should make you worried – what’s causing your supply of electricity to surge so frequently?

Whatever it is, we recommend getting in touch with a commercial electrician in Beaumaris to find out what it is, and more importantly, what can be done about it.

Other common problems in electrical installation

So far, we’ve been focused on the risks that come with overloaded wiring – however, that isn’t the only issue that can pop up in your home’s electrical system.

Another common issue – and one that often gets a lot less airtime – is the risk that comes with faulty wiring.

Your wiring might be faulty for any number of reasons:

  • It’s wearing out with age
  • It was poorly-installed
  • Overuse has worn it out

Why is this an issue? Simple: electricity takes the fastest way towards the ground, seeking out the path of least resistance.

Luckily, your electrical wiring is insulated, containing electricity and directing it towards appliances, lights, and whatnot.

Faulty wiring leads to electricity “spilling out”, free to seek the fastest way to ground – what we call a short circuit.

In many cases, “shortest route” means that many surfaces and objects in your property can become dangerous to touch as a result.

Luckily, this is the worse-case scenario – that said, you’ll want to keep on top of these issues before they ever reach this point to begin with.

How do I find an electrical short in my house wiring?

Wiring is what carries electricity around your home – since it’s hidden inside your walls, floors and ceilings however, it’s difficult to detect wiring issues.

Fortunately, there are a couple of dead giveaways:

  • Smoking and burning smells – as electricity short circuits and travels through parts of your home, it heats up, which can result in burning smells
  • Sparks coming out of your outlets – sparks mean that electrical currents aren’t being properly contained
  • Crackling noises – electrical wiring is insulated, not only protecting you from electrical shock but also minimising sound

If you suspect a short circuit, the first thing you should do is evacuate the affected room before going to your switchboard and shutting off the power.

Once that’s done, get in contact with a commercial electrician in Kingston who can diagnose and fix the issue for you!

Fixing electrical problems big and small

Electricity is dangerous – the instant you notice any of these issues around your house or business, it’s time to get in touch with a professional.

Need a commercial electrical contractor? If so, you’ve come to the right place. 

Our electrical contractors are specialists in fixing electrical issues like yours. Whether it’s damage caused by an overloaded circuit, faulty wiring or any other electrical fault, our team gets to the heart of the issue.

Working with businesses of all sizes as well as homeowners throughout Melbourne’s south east, our sparkies are here to help!

Give us a call today on 1300 410 141 or click here, and we’ll send someone over as quickly as we can!

2021-03-16T20:05:00+00:00March 10th, 2021|Residential Electrician|

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