Home » 10 Electrical upgrades that will increase the value of your home in 2021

10 Electrical upgrades that will increase the value of your home in 2021

Are you looking for more ways on how to increase the value of your home? We’ve talked about plumbing and roofing, how about your electrical system?

Few homeowners would realise the importance of upgrading their electric wirings and connections, especially when they already put their house up for sale in the market.

Easy and small electrical repairs near you can make a big difference when it comes to increasing the value of your home.

To make your home renovation project a success, you will need professional electricians in Melbourne who will help you ensure that every electrical update adheres to certain standards and that work safety is strictly applied.

Besides, you wouldn’t want to sell a defective and outdated property as it can affect the resale value of your house.

So make a smart choice now and call a reliable and qualified Bayside electrician in Melbourne that delivers a complete range of electrical services at home.

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1. Install new power outlets and light switch covers

Old, damaged, and worn out outlets and light switches impact the functionality of your home and as a result, may downgrade your home value. They may also pose a safety or fire risk.

Today’s households are more power-hungry than ever. Ensure your home is fit-for-purpose with new outlets and new light switches that can keep up with today’s modern demands.

2. Childproof your power outlets

If you have young children at home, you might want to add child proof receptacles that prevent them from inserting objects into electrical outlets.

Childproof outlets can be in the form of receptacle cover plates and other childproof devices that deter kids from getting close to the dangers associated with electricity. This is a cheap but effective way to make your home more attractive to young families.

3. Make the switch to LED lighting

While the proper location of lighting is necessary, choosing the type of lighting is equally as important to achieve an energy-efficient, effective, and long-lasting lighting solution.

More and more people are now switching to LED lighting.

LED lights can save up to 80% of your lighting cost compared to halogens, incandescent bulbs, and Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs). This will be attractive to prospective buyers: reduced energy usage means lower power bills!

LED lighting also has an impressive lifespan, lasting around five times longer than halogen bulbs.

Compared to older bulbs like halogen, LED lighting offers a ton of attractive benefits:

  • Energy-saving
  • Eco-friendly
  • Flexible lighting designs
  • Longer lifespan

4. Add dimmer switches

Dimmer switches add ambiance and more variety to your home lighting. Best of all, they are easy to install.

With full control over your lighting, you get to set the mood. Bright lights for entertaining? Check. Gentle lighting while watching a movie? Easy.

Bayside electrician

5. Replace electric panels & breakers

Replace your old breakers with new ones and reduce the risk of electrical damage in your home.

Outdated electrical panels may give the next buyer serious safety issues; that’s why you need a certified Cheltenham electrician to inspect your breakers and recommend what type of panel best suits your house.

New panels can also help your home get a more consistent power supply for all your appliances.

Look out for these red flags, which may indicate a deeper electrical problem:

  • Warm electrical panels
  • A buzzing noise or sound from your breaker
  • Strange smell
  • Consistent electrical trip
  • Water damage

6. Update your data cabling & hardwiring

Our digital lifestyle means that hardwiring and data cabling have become more popular than ever. You might like to consider upgrading your older-style house electrical wiring and shift to a wireless cable system.

If your phone, computers, and other communication devices are still using wired connections, you may need the help of a good electrician in Cheltenham for expert installation.

electrical contractor nearby

7. Add ceiling fans

Add comfort and style when it comes to your home’s heating and cooling: consider adding ceiling fans to help cut down energy costs for those warmer days where you don’t quite need to power up your air conditioning.

Ceiling fans offer better airflow and distribute air more evenly around the room, keeping you and your family comfortable year round.

Before you turn on your air conditioner, you can choose to turn on your ceiling fan to regulate the temperature and circulate the air around the room. While ceiling fans don’t actually change the temperature of a room, they can change how comfortable you feel!

Additional benefits of ceiling fans installed in your home:

  • Space-saving
  • Added light options
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Quiet
  • Saves on energy costs

8. Upgrade your thermostat

Most people would replace their air conditioners and heaters but often forget to upgrade or replace their thermostats. Thermostats help control all climate temperature systems in your home, especially if no one is using them.

An old thermostat may be reading temperatures inaccurately, leading to a heating and cooling system that is overworked.

Upgrade your thermostat to ensure your system works as effectively – and efficiently – as possible.

9. Install solar panels

Homeowners nowadays think of various ways on how to save more – and that includes going solar!

If you want a cost-effective way to save on your electric bills, start by investigating what solar power can do for your home.

Solar power helps you save money by decreasing your dependence on electric power grids, thus lowering your electric bill.

Since solar power gives you the capacity to generate your electricity, you don’t have to worry about the changing cost of oil in the global market, which greatly affects your power consumption.

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels systems can last for decades with very little maintenance. You can also receive compensation for excess energy from your solar PV system that goes right to the electric grid through the government’s Feed-in-Tariffs (FiTs).

Through this, you’re already getting an initial percentage of return to what you’ve spent on your solar energy installation.

10. Upgrade your home appliances

Older models and appliances usually consume a lot more power than their modern counterparts.

When you upgrade your home appliances, you’re investing in energy-efficient solutions that attract potential buyers. They see the advantage of reduced bills as well as the appeal of state-of-the-art fixtures.

Home appliances are easy to install and upgrade, and you can immediately make a considerable profit on your home’s value.

Additionally, new and upgraded home appliances improve your home’s aesthetics, too.

Increase the value of your home with electrical upgrades from Powermaster Electrical!

Make your home more energy-efficient and leave no reason for the next potential buyer not to buy your home!

Powermaster’s qualified and experienced residential electricians will help you identify and fix any potential hazards that could negatively affect the resale value of your home.

Whether you’re upgrading your home for selling or you’re in the initial stages of renovating, Powermaster does it all:

  • Electrical maintenance
  • Electrical repairs
  • Electrical rewiring
  • Data cabling
  • Electrical wiring

Call us today on 1300 410 141, or click here to get in touch online, and we’ll help you figure out what best electrical upgrade you will need for your home!

Electrical upgrades increases home value 2021 - Watermaster Plumbing infographic

2021-06-21T09:09:43+00:00May 14th, 2021|Residential Electrician|

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